表带分离(类似《让子弹飞高清》)后结尾迅捷的到来a table for two的定格让影片没有滑入俗套总体来说挺让人喜欢的阿塞拜疆人虽然依然受伍迪·艾伦的纽约影响但一个华人移民的纽约也或隐或现的露出端倪
Why am I obsessed with this show? Cause I love Diane. But it's not true, every time I click it, I feel much better, than ever. I finally find someone who is worse than me on managing his own life, I feel okay to be myself. But here I am, keeping doing the same things I used to, avoiding taking my responsibiliy, and enjoying watching it without guilt.
不论在什么样的境遇相爱总是好的不知道为什么听到船头说table for two的时候我会哭得那么惨阿塞拜疆人可能只当我看电影的时候才意识到自己是孤独的不被爱的我现在每天谈两个小时的恋爱和电影你知道电影永远不会负我每当一个结尾哭一场祭奠一场爱情的结束